Sun-Maid Natural California Raisins, Dried Fruit Healthy Snack, 32 oz Bag
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Sun-Maid Natural California Raisins, Dried Fruit Healthy Snack, 32 oz Bag

Product ID: 460395863
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California Sun-Dried RaisinsMade with nothing but grapes and California sunshine, Sun-Maid Raisins' timeless and trusted goodness has been a classically delicious, dried fruit snack for kids and grown-up kids alike since 1912.Sun Maid Raisins take dried fruit to the next level. Not only do raisins have many health benefits, but they are also a convenient and tasty snack. Raisins are a low fat food and contain less than 120 calories per serving. They contribute to the daily intake of fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals. Antioxidant powerhouses, raisins provide only natural sugars. As nutritious as they are delicious, raisins make for a tasty and nutritious snack for kids. Add raisins to a lunchbox or enjoy as an after school snack for a nutritious treat. Sun-Maid Natural California Raisins, Dried Fruit Healthy Snack, 32 oz Bag A delicious sun-dried grape snack for children and adults 32 oz Sun Maid raisins bag with 0g total fat Natural sugars make raisins a useful component in nutritious breakfasts Versatile dried fruit - add to cereal and baked goods, eat them on the go, or enjoy as a snack at work or school Try other Sun Maid Snacks including Sun Maid Golden Raisins, Sun Maid Jumbo Raisins, Sun Maid Yogurt Covered Raisins, and Sun Maid Zante Currants Sun-Maid Raisins Are raisins better-for-you? Absolutely! Raisins have many benefits! Raisins are a low fat food and provide less than 120 calories per serving. They contribute to our daily intake of fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals. Antioxidant powerhouses, raisins provide only natural sugars. As nutritious as they are delicious, raisins make for a healthier snack for kids by helping them reach the recommended five to nine daily servings of fruit. Are raisins grapes? They sure are. Raisins are simply dried grapes. Most raisins come from the Thompson Seedless Grapes variety. Due to the dehydration that takes place in dried fruits, raisins have more concentrated nutrition levels than grapes, making them a natural, nutritious, easy and healthier snack for kids and adults alike. What are raisins good for? Besides being a tasty and a healthier snack all on their own, raisins are a welcome addition to many recipes. Due to their natural sugars, raisins are a useful component in delicious breakfast ideas, like sprinkling over granola or adding to fruit salads. Raisins are also a popular item in yummy snack and dessert recipes. No matter if you're eating them on the go, as a better-for-you snack at work or school, raisins truly are an incredibly versatile dried fruit.

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